1]HARRISON ONLINE: www.harrisononline.com This site contains the online version of the latest "HARRISON TEXT BOOK OF INTERNAL MEDICINE" .
2] General website on Hematology : www.bloodline.net3] HISTOLOGY-WORLD: http://www.histology-world.com/This is a fun, free site dedicated to histology. It offers:
4] Health Board: www.healthboard.com Online Health Community and Directory on the web since 1997.
5] Health Risk Assessment & Health Assessment: http://www.preventive-medicine.scripps.org/ This is a new professionally designed site, which offers information regarding their executive health assessment program. The Scripps Center for Executive Health offers health risk assessment services to help promote a long and healthy lifestyle. MEDICAL COLLEGES LISTED UNDER 'H' 'I' & 'J'
Pradesh University, Indira Gandhi Medical College
. . Site last Updated on : Thursday July 10, 2008 09:27 AM
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