Reproductive & Child Health (RCH)
Programme -2005
For Mothers:
Early detection and
Registration of Pregnant mothers followed by the Services like Tetanus
Toxide injection, iron & Folic Acid Tablets to prevent Anemia and minimum
3 periodical check-ups with a referral services to high risk mothers.
• Well equipped hospital
services to meet the emergency care during pre-natal, natal and post-natal
• Fertility check-up services.
For Child:
• Neonatal care with an
administration of “0” polio dose and BCG vaccination against polio and
child Tuberculosis respectively.
• At the age of I and a half, 2
and a half, and 3 and a half months, administration of 3 doses of
immunization against DPT and Polio.
• Between 9 and 12 months,
immunization against measles and Vitamin –A deficiency
• Qualitative Treatment for
Acute Respiratory Infection and Diarrhea.
For Adolescents:
Health education, Personal
Hygiene and sexual health education.
For Couples:
For planned parenthood
contraceptive services both permanent and temporary like free Nirodh
(condoms), IUD, N.S.V and Tubectomy etc. with qualitative follow-up
, PNDT Act - 1994
To maintain the male and female
ratio and to prevent the female feticide, registration is made compulsory
of all the Centers and Hospitals having the Scanning facility. The
Appropriate Authorities at the State as well as at the District Level
shall monitor the implementation of the Act and the violation of the Law
is punishable with a fine of Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- including the
imprisonment ranging from 3 to 5 years.